New Life Kid Zone
Programs for Infants – 5th Grade
Sunday Mornings:
Nursery care is available 9am – 12pm, Children’s Programming 10:45 am in Lenox Hall (upstairs, Room B1).
The children meet in the Life Center and stay for the beginning of the 10:45 service before leaving as a group to Sunday School.

We Love Kids!
Isn’t it awesome? New Life Kid Zone is dedicated to igniting a passion for Christ, allowing children to experience God’s love first hand and be able to be a spark in their homes and communities for God. Each Sunday we create an atmosphere for your children through 5th grade to engage with their peers, build friendships and learn about Jesus!
“All your children will be taught by the Lord, and the well-being of your children will be great.” -Isaiah 54:13
Tot Life (Infant-Pre K)
“Bring up your child by teaching him the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn away from it.” -Proverb 22:6
Our nursery is open 9 am – 12:15 pm every Sunday. Our Tiny Tots – Infants to two year olds get to experience God’s love and grow in grace through Bible focused song, stories and repetition of key phrases.
Our Tot friends in PreK, ages 3-5, are provided a learning environment where His word comes alive with stories, pictures, art and fun activities stimulating your children to learn more about Jesus.
Kid Life (K-3rd Grade)
“Let the children come to me. Do not stop them. The holy nation of heaven is made up of ones like these.” – Matthew 19:14
Sunday School is offered each week during the 10:45 am service. While you are engaged in and enjoying worship and the message, your kids will also be experiencing God in a way they can understand!
Kid Zone Connect continues in the spirit of worship by providing further Bible lessons through music, art and games every Sunday evening from 4-6 pm.
Tween Life (4th-5th Grade)
“Do not be too hard on your children so they will become angry. Teach them in their growing years with Christian teaching” – Matthew 19:14
Sunday School & Kid Zone Connect are also offered to our tweens, also!
Monthly Tween Group gives our tween an opportunity to meet monthly and focus on things tweens are experiencing! It’s a youth group feel…but a preteen level. Some of our events will be on campus, and some won’t! Make sure you look at the monthly calendar to see what is upcoming.
Sunday School Curriculum
New Life Kid Zone is dedicated to teaching your kids all about Jesus. We are using Group Publishing Curriculum, which was designed with children of all ages in mind. Group focuses on weekly Bible points. We use the Dig In curriculum as our Sunday school material. Children are given their very own worship experience, appropriate for their age level. Because Dig In is fully customizable, teachers put together each lesson with your children in mind!
Children’s Ministry IS Family Ministry
While we love your kids, you are important to us, too! You are an important part of the ministry equation. You spend more time with your kids than we do. We want to assist you in guiding your kids along their spiritual walk. We have created a New Life Kid Zone facebook page and Instagram. Our goal is to equip you to be the spiritual leader your children need you to be.
Vacation Bible School – June 23-27, 2025
9am – 12pm
Safety & Security
Your child’s safety is very important to us. Therefore, children must be dropped off and picked up by their parents to all events and classes. Please pick up your children within 15 minute of the end of each session.