Welcome to New Life in Christ Church
New Life Church rests in the historic district of Punta Gorda, on Florida’s South West coast. Established in 1887, this vibrant church continues to be faithful to Jesus and his teachings, as well as remaining rooted in the Wesleyan view of scriptural holiness that has changed nations as it seeks to Offer New Life in Jesus Christ by seeking, shaping and sending disciples.
We seek to offer the saving and transforming love of Jesus Christ to all. We strive for worship that is faithful to the living God revealed in Jesus Christ encountered through his Holy Spirit. We work to help people grow in their knowledge and love of God. We serve our community and the world with a generous love.
The New Life in Christ Church family welcomes all.
…Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.
The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
(2 Corinthians 5:17, New Living Translation)
We look forward to getting to know you!

Our Mission, Vision and Values
The core values of New Life in Christ Church.
Plan Your Visit
We welcome you to one of our three unique worship experiences at New Life in Christ Church – Praise in the Park, Contemporary or Traditional.
Our Staff
New Life in Christ Church is blessed with servant leaders who are dedicated to our mission to Seek, Shape, and Send disciples.