Music Ministry
Whether you are a musician looking to serve the church in an exciting and dynamic music ministry or just enjoy attending our Fine Arts Concert Series, we hope that you feel right at home here at New Life in Christ Church. If you would like to learn more about joining our music ministries, please reach out.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Contact Us
Contact MaryBeth Khamis, Interim Director of Music with any questions.
Church Office: (941) 639-3842

The Chancel Choir sings at the 9:15 AM service on Sunday mornings. This group rehearses in the Sanctuary on Thursdays at 6:00 PM and before the service Sunday mornings at 8:45 AM. Beyond offering beautiful choral music on Sunday mornings, the choir also performs choral concerts. The Choir is open to everyone.
The Chancel Ringers play from September to May once a month at the 9:15 AM services. This advanced handbell group rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM in the Life Center. There are two requirements to join this group – the ability to read music and the director’s discretion.
The Praise Team serves in worship during our 10:45 AM Contemporary service. Our team enjoys leading our contemporary service in worship music from various artists, such as Bethel, Elevation Worship, Desperation Band, Lauren Daigle, Rend Collective, Israel Houghton, Kari Jobe, Chris Tomlin, Hillsong, and more. Our team of talented musicians help establish and lead us into an atmosphere of worship every Sunday. We are currently looking for musicians to help enhance our band.